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GetUserDetailModel Class

This class is the model for retrieving the core meta data for a given user in the system
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AppOne.Services.V2.Contracts
Assembly: AppOne.Web.Service (in AppOne.Web.Service.dll) Version: 1.0.141
public class GetUserDetailModel

The GetUserDetailModel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccess Gets a UserAccess structure.
Public propertyAccruals Gets a UserAccruals structure.
Public propertyCustomFields Gets a list of UserCustomField structures.
Public propertyPolicies Gets a UserPolicies structure.
Public propertyProfile Gets a UserProfile structure.
Public propertyRates Gets a UserRates structure.
This class is the model for retrieving the core meta data for a given user in the system. The GetUserDetailModel is grouped by various structures which help to organize the meta data into subsets. This grouping is closely aligned with how the user interface is laid out in the management dashboard.

Note  Note
Manager > Employees
Configuration > Imports > New Employee Defaults

Business Rules:
The GetUserDetailModel contract is the main object for working with a user. The user is a primary connection for all activity in time-web. The term user and employee will sometimes be used interchangeably within the API documentation.
Note  Note
This object is read-only. Direct access to setting these values must be done in the time-web user interface or through and AddModel
For example code see GetUserDetail(GetUserDetailIn)
See Also