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UserProfile Structure

A structure that contains all the data of a users meta data profile.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AppOne.Services.V2.Contracts
Assembly: AppOne.Web.Service (in AppOne.Web.Service.dll) Version: 1.0.141
public struct UserProfile

The UserProfile type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleAddress1 Gets the address1 assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleAddress2 Gets the address2 assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleAlertEmail Gets the alert email assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleBadge Gets the badge number assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleCity Gets the city assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleEmail Gets the email assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleEmpIdentifier Gets the Employee Number/Identifier assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleEmployeeClassification Gets the Employee Classification (full-time, part-time, none) assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleEmployeeType Gets the Employee Type assigned to a user.
Public propertyCode exampleFirstName Gets the User first name assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleIsPictureVerificationAcknowledged Gets whether user acknowledged picture verification.
Public propertyCode exampleLastName Gets the last name assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleManager Gets the manager name assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleManagerEffDate Gets the manager assignment start date assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleManagerID Gets the managers EmpIdentifier of the current user
Public propertyCode exampleMiddleName Gets the middle name assigned to a user
Public propertyCode examplePhone1 Gets the phone1 assigned to a user
Public propertyCode examplePhone2 Gets the phone2 assigned to a user
Public propertyCode examplePhone3 Gets the phone3 assigned to a user
Public propertyCode examplePostalCode Gets the postal code (PIN Code) assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleStartDate Gets the start date assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleState Gets the state assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleStatus Gets the status assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleStatusEffDate Gets the status assignment start date assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleTimeZoneDisplayName Gets the time zone display assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleTimeZoneIsDST Gets a true value if the users time zone is considered to be in daylight savings time (DST).
Public propertyCode exampleTimeZoneKey Gets the TimeZoneKey assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleTimeZoneUTCOffset Gets the UTC hour offset from the users assigned time zone
Public propertyCode exampleTitle Gets the title assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleUserID Gets the internal user ID
Public propertyCode exampleWebLogin Gets the user name or WebLogin assigned to a user
A structure that contains all the data of a users meta data profile.

Note  Note
Manager > Employees > Information Tab
For example code see GetUserDetail(GetUserDetailIn)
See Also