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AppOne.Services.V2.Contracts Namespace

Contracts are broken out into a separate namespace as they tend to denote the pure class or entity of the underlying object that is reflected in the data store. These classes represent the data entities themselves that are passed between services.

Public classCode exampleAddHolidayListModel This class is the model for Adding HolidayList information
Public classAddLaborLevelDetailModel This class is the model for adding labor-level-detail information
Public classCode exampleAddPayrollPayAdjustModel This class is the model for payroll pay adjustments
Public classCode exampleAddPayrollPayTypeModel This class is the model for payroll pay types
Public classCode exampleAddUserCustomField**BETA** A structure that contains custom fields that are assigned to a user.
Public classCode exampleAddUserDetailModel**BETA** This class is the model for adding the core meta data for a given user in the system
Public classCode exampleAddUserHomeLaborLevelDetails This class is the model for adding and updating the home or default labor levels that are assigned to a user
Public classCode exampleAddUserLaborLevelModel This class is the model for adding and updating a users assigned labor-level-detail information
Public classCode exampleAddUserPayAdjustModel This class is the model for adding user pay adjustment information
Public classCode exampleAddUserProfile**BETA** A structure that contains all the data of a users meta data profile.
Public classCode exampleAddUserScheduleDetailModel This class is the model for adding user schedules details.
Public classCode exampleAddUserScheduleModel This class is the model for adding user schedule information
Public classCode exampleAddUserTimeNonWorkShiftModel This class is the model for adding a non-work time punch transaction
Public classCode exampleAddUserTimeOffRequestModel This class is the model for adding user time-off requests
Public classCode exampleCreateTokenIn This class is the model for retrieving a special token used for authentication for all web service requests
Public classCode exampleDeleteHolidayListModel This class is the model for Deleting HolidayList information
Public classCode exampleGetCustomerConfigModel This class is the model for retrieving the core meta data for a given customer account
Public classCode exampleGetCustomFieldModel This class is the model for retrieving CustomField information
Public classCode exampleGetHolidayListModel This class is the model for Viewing HolidayList information
Public classCode exampleGetLaborLevelDetailModel This class is the model for retrieving labor-level-detail information
Public classCode exampleGetLaborLevelModel This class is the model for retrieving labor level information
Public classCode exampleGetPayrollPayAdjustModel This class is the model for payroll pay adjustments
Public classCode exampleGetPayrollPayTypeModel This class is the model for getting payroll pay types
Public classCode exampleGetPayrollPoliciesModel This class is the model for payroll policies
Public classGetPunchPromptsModel This is the class for retriving user punch prompts for each User
Public classGetSSOLinkModel This class is the model for retrieving single sign on (SSO) URLs
Public classCode exampleGetTimeOffPolicyDetailModel This class is the model for retrieving TimeOffPolicyDetail information
Public classCode exampleGetTimeOffPolicyDetailRuleModel This class is the model for retrieving TimeOffPolicyDetailRule information
Public classCode exampleGetTimeOffPolicyModel This class is the model for retrieving TimeOffPolicy information
Public classCode exampleGetTimePunchStateModel This class is the model for retrieving a user’s available punch type statues
Public classCode exampleGetTokenModel This class is the model for validating and renewing token data
Public classCode exampleGetUserBasicModel This class is the model for retrieving UserBasic information
Public classCode exampleGetUserDetailModel This class is the model for retrieving the core meta data for a given user in the system
Public classCode exampleGetUserGroupsModel**BETA** This class is the model for retrieving UserGroups information
Public classCode exampleGetUserIPAccessModel This class is the model for retrieving user IP restriction access policy information
Public classCode exampleGetUserLaborLevelModel This class is the model for retrieving user labor-level-detail information
Public classCode exampleGetUserPayAdjustModel This class is the model for retrieving user pay adjustments.
Public classCode exampleGetUserScheduleDetailModel This class is the model for retrieving user schedules details.
Public classCode exampleGetUserScheduleModel This class is the model for retrieving user schedules.
Public classCode exampleGetUserTimeOffBalanceModel This class is the model for retrieving user time off balance information
Public classCode exampleGetUserTimeOffRequestDetailModel This class is the model for retrieving user time-off request detail data.
Public classCode exampleGetUserTimeOffRequestModel This class is the model for retrieving user time-off request data.
Public classCode exampleGetUserTimeOnStatusBoardModel This class is the model for retrieving a user’s available punch type statues
Public classCode exampleHolidayListDetailModel This class is the model for HolidayListDetail Records.
Public classCode examplePunchInformation An object which represents the data necessary to find an existing punch in the system which will be updated.
Public classPunchPromptDefinedAnswerModel This class is the model for retriving the punch prompt defined answers for the questions
Public classPunchPromptModel This Class is the model for retriving punch prompts questions and answers
Public classTimeSlicePreModel TimeSlicePreModel represents the basic model for time slice information object
Public classCode exampleUpdateHolidayListModel This class is the model for Updating HolidayList information
Public classCode exampleUpdateLaborLevelDetailModel A model used to update labor-level-details
Public classCode exampleUpdatePayrollPayTypeModel This class is the model for updating payroll pay types
Public classCode exampleUpdateTimeOffRequestModel**SCHEMA** A model used to update user time-off request data
Public classCode exampleUpdateUserCustomField**BETA** A structure that contains custom fields that are assigned to a user.
Public classCode exampleUpdateUserDetailModel**BETA** This class is the model for adding the core meta data for a given user in the system
Public classCode exampleUpdateUserHomeLaborLevelDetails This class is the model for adding and updating the home or default labor levels that are assigned to a user
Public classCode exampleUpdateUserLaborLevelModel This class is the model for updating a users assigned labor-level-detail information
Public classCode exampleUpdateUserPayAdjustModel A model used to update user pay adjustments
Public classCode exampleUpdateUserProfile**BETA** A structure that contains all the data of a users meta data profile.
Public classCode exampleUpdateUserScheduleDetailModel This class is the model for updating user schedules details.
Public classCode exampleUpdateUserScheduleModel A model used to update user schedules
Public classCode exampleUpdateUserTimeApprovalModel This class is the model for adding a user time approval
Public classCode exampleUpdateUserTimePunchObject An object representing a single punch and the updates that should be made to it.
Public classCode exampleUpdateUserTimePunchResult A data structure used to represent the status of a single punch update
Public classCode exampleUserHomeLaborLevelDetails This class is the model for retrieving the home or default labor levels that are assigned to a user
Public classCode exampleUserLoginModel This class is the model for retrieving UserInfoLoginDetail information
Public structureCode exampleAddHolidayListDetailIn A structure used to add a list of HolidayListDetailModel models
Public structureCode exampleAddHolidayListDetailOut Returns a list of AddResult structures representing the response from a call to the AddHolidayListDetail(AddHolidayListDetailIn) endpoint
Public structureCode exampleAddHolidayListIn A structure used to add a list of AddHolidayListModel models
Public structureCode exampleAddHolidayListOut Returns a list of AddResult structures representing the response from a call to the AddHolidayList(AddHolidayListIn) endpoint
Public structureCode exampleAddLaborLevelDetailCustomField A structure that represents the custom field for adding custom field values to a specific labor-level-detail
Public structureCode exampleAddLaborLevelDetailIn Create a new AddLaborLevelDetailModel
Public structureCode exampleAddLaborLevelDetailOut A model used to represent the results of a returned labor-level-detail output
Public structureCode exampleAddPayrollPayAdjustIn A structure used to add a list of AddPayrollPayAdjustModel
Public structureCode exampleAddPayrollPayAdjustOut A structure that returns a result list of AddPayrollPayAdjustModel
Public structureCode exampleAddPayrollPayTypeIn A structure used to add a list of AddPayrollPayTypeModel
Public structureCode exampleAddPayrollPayTypeOut A structure that returns a result list of AddPayrollPayTypeModel
Public structureCode exampleAddUserAccess**BETA** A structure that contains a users access or permissions meta data.
Public structureCode exampleAddUserAssignedLaborLevelDetails A structure that represents the labor levels that are assigned to a given user.
Public structureCode exampleAddUserDetailIn**BETA** Adds the payload data for a list of AddUserDetailModel
Public structureCode exampleAddUserDetailOut**BETA** Returns the result statues of add operation
Public structureCode exampleAddUserLaborLevelIn A structure used to add a list of AddUserLaborLevelModel
Public structureCode exampleAddUserLaborLevelOut A structure that returns a result list of AddUserLaborLevelResult
Public structureCode exampleAddUserLaborLevelResult A structure that returns a result list of AddResult for both assigned and home labor level details
Public structureCode exampleAddUserPayAdjustIn Adds the payload data for a list of AddUserPayAdjustModel
Public structureCode exampleAddUserPayAdjustOut Returns the result statues of add operation
Public structureCode exampleAddUserScheduleDetailIn Adds the payload data for a list of AddUserScheduleDetailModel
Public structureCode exampleAddUserScheduleDetailOut Returns the result statues of add operation
Public structureCode exampleAddUserScheduleIn Adds the payload data for a list of AddUserScheduleModel
Public structureCode exampleAddUserScheduleOut Returns the result statues of add operation
Public structureCode exampleAddUserTimeNonWorkShiftIn A structure used to add a list of AddUserTimeNonWorkShiftModel
Public structureCode exampleAddUserTimeNonWorkShiftOut A structure that returns a result list of AddResult
Public structureCode exampleAddUserTimeOffRequestIn Adds the payload data for a list of AddUserTimeOffRequestModel
Public structureCode exampleAddUserTimeOffRequestOut Returns the result statues of add operation
Public structureCode exampleCustomerCompanyInfo A structure that contains all the customer data profile.
Public structureCode exampleCustomerGeneralSettings A structure that contains all the customer general settings meta data
Public structureCode exampleCustomerGlobalSettings A structure that contains all the customer global settings meta data
Public structureCode exampleDeleteHolidayListDetailIn A structure sent to the DeleteHolidayListDetail(DeleteHolidayListDetailIn) endpoint to Delete a list of HolidayList objects.
Public structureCode exampleDeleteHolidayListDetailOut Returns the result statues of a delete operation
Public structureCode exampleDeleteHolidayListIn A structure sent to the DeleteHolidayList(DeleteHolidayListIn) endpoint to Delete a list of HolidayList objects.
Public structureCode exampleDeleteHolidayListOut Returns a list of DeleteResult structures representing the response from a call to the DeleteHolidayList(DeleteHolidayListIn) endpoint
Public structureCode exampleDeleteLaborLevelDetailIn Deletes a labor level detail
Public structureCode exampleDeleteLaborLevelDetailOut Delete a labor level detail
Public structureCode exampleDeletePayrollPayTypeIn The input params for deleting a payroll pay-type
Public structureCode exampleDeletePayrollPayTypeOut The output params for deleting a payroll pay-type
Public structureCode exampleDeleteTimeOffRequestIn**SCHEMA** Deletes a list of user time-off requests by its ID
Public structureCode exampleDeleteTimeOffRequestOut**SCHEMA** Returns the result statues of a delete operation
Public structureCode exampleDeleteUserIn Deletes a list of user(s) by employee ID
Public structureCode exampleDeleteUserLaborLevelIn Deletes a user labor level detail
Public structureCode exampleDeleteUserLaborLevelOut Delete a labor level detail assignment
Public structureCode exampleDeleteUserOut Returns the result statues of a delete operation for a given list of users
Public structureCode exampleDeleteUserPayAdjustIn Deletes a list of user pay adjustments by its ID
Public structureCode exampleDeleteUserPayAdjustOut Returns the result statues of a delete operation
Public structureCode exampleDeleteUserScheduleDetailIn Deletes a list of user schedules by its ID
Public structureCode exampleDeleteUserScheduleDetailOut Returns the result statues of a delete operation
Public structureCode exampleDeleteUserScheduleIn Deletes a list of user schedules by its ID
Public structureCode exampleDeleteUserScheduleOut Returns the result statues of a delete operation
Public structureCode exampleGetCustomerConfigIn A structure used to get a list of GetCustomerConfigModel
Public structureCode exampleGetCustomerConfigOut A structure that returns a result list of GetCustomerConfigModel
Public structureCode exampleGetCustomFieldIn A structure used to get a list of GetCustomFieldModel
Public structureCode exampleGetCustomFieldOut A structure that returns a result list of GetCustomFieldModel
Public structureCode exampleGetHolidayListDetailIn A structure used to request a list of HolidayListDetailModel models via the GetHolidayListDetail(GetHolidayListDetailIn) endpoint
Public structureCode exampleGetHolidayListDetailOut A structure that returns a result list of HolidayListDetailModel models
Public structureCode exampleGetHolidayListIn A structure used to get a list of GetHolidayListModel models.
Public structureCode exampleGetHolidayListOut A structure that returns a result list of GetHolidayListModel models
Public structureCode exampleGetLaborLevelDetailIn A structure used to get a list of GetLaborLevelDetailModel
Public structureCode exampleGetLaborLevelDetailOut A structure that returns a result list of GetLaborLevelDetailModel
Public structureCode exampleGetLaborLevelIn A structure used to get a list of GetLaborLevelModel
Public structureCode exampleGetLaborLevelOut A structure that returns a result list of GetLaborLevelModel
Public structureCode exampleGetPayrollPayAdjustIn A structure used to get a list of GetPayrollPayAdjustModel
Public structureCode exampleGetPayrollPayAdjustOut A structure that returns a result list of GetPayrollPayAdjustModel
Public structureCode exampleGetPayrollPayTypeIn A structure used to get a list of GetPayrollPayTypeModel
Public structureCode exampleGetPayrollPayTypeOut A structure that returns a result list of GetPayrollPayTypeModel
Public structureCode exampleGetPayrollPoliciesGeneral A structure that has the general settings of a payroll policy
Public structureCode exampleGetPayrollPoliciesIn A structure used to get a list of GetPayrollPoliciesModel
Public structureCode exampleGetPayrollPoliciesOut A structure that returns a result list of GetPayrollPoliciesModel
Public structureGetPunchPromptsIn 
Public structureGetPunchPromptsOut 
Public structureCode exampleGetSSOEnabledIn A structure used to get a list of GetSSOEnabledOut
Public structureCode exampleGetSSOEnabledOut A structure used to return the status of GetSSOEnabled(GetSSOEnabledIn)
Public structureCode exampleGetSSOLinkIn A structure used to get a list of GetSSOLinkModel
Public structureCode exampleGetSSOLinkOut A structure used to get a list of GetSSOLinkModel
Public structureCode exampleGetTimeOffPolicyDetailIn A structure used to get a list of GetTimeOffPolicyDetailModel
Public structureCode exampleGetTimeOffPolicyDetailOut A structure that returns a result list of GetTimeOffPolicyDetailModel
Public structureCode exampleGetTimeOffPolicyDetailRuleIn A structure used to get a list of GetTimeOffPolicyDetailRuleModel
Public structureCode exampleGetTimeOffPolicyDetailRuleOut A structure that returns a result list of GetTimeOffPolicyDetailRuleModel
Public structureCode exampleGetTimeOffPolicyIn A structure used to get a list of GetTimeOffPolicyModel
Public structureCode exampleGetTimeOffPolicyOut A structure that returns a result list of GetTimeOffPolicyModel
Public structureCode exampleGetTimePunchStateIn A structure used to get a list of GetTimePunchStateModel
Public structureCode exampleGetTimePunchStateOut A structure that returns a result list of GetTimePunchStateModel
Public structureCode exampleGetTokenIn A structure used to get a GetTokenModel
Public structureCode exampleGetTokenOut A structure that returns a result of GetSSOLinkModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserBasicIn A structure used to get a list of GetUserBasicModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserBasicOut A structure that returns a result list of GetUserBasicModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserDetailIn A structure used to get a list of GetUserDetailModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserDetailOut A structure that returns a result list of GetUserDetailModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserGroupsIn**BETA** A structure used to get a list of GetUserGroupsModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserGroupsOut**BETA** A structure that returns a result list of GetUserGroupsModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserIPAccessIn A structure used to get a list of GetUserIPAccessModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserIPAccessOut A structure that returns a result list of GetUserIPAccessModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserLaborLevelIn A structure used to get a list of GetUserLaborLevelModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserLaborLevelOut A structure that returns a result list of GetUserLaborLevelModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserLoginIn A structure used to get a list of UserLoginModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserLoginOut A structure that returns a result list of UserLoginModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserPayAdjustIn A structure used to get a list of GetUserPayAdjustModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserPayAdjustOut A structure that returns a result list of GetUserPayAdjustModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserScheduleIn A structure used to get a list of GetUserScheduleModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserScheduleOut A structure that returns a result list of GetUserScheduleModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserTimeOffBalanceIn A structure used to get a list of GetUserTimeOffBalanceModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserTimeOffBalanceOut A structure that returns a result list of GetUserTimeOffBalanceModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserTimeOffRequestIn A structure used to get a list of GetUserTimeOffRequestModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserTimeOffRequestOut A structure that returns a result list of GetUserTimeOffRequestModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserTimeOnStatusBoardIn A structure used to get a list of GetUserTimeOnStatusBoardModel
Public structureCode exampleGetUserTimeOnStatusBoardOut A structure that returns a result list of GetUserTimeOnStatusBoardModel
Public structureCode exampleLaborLevelCustomField A structure represents the custom field for the labor-level-detail
Public structureMealRestriction A structure that contains all Enforce meal details of the user
Public structureScheduleEnforcements A structure that contains all Enforce Schedule Details of the User
Public structureCode exampleUpdateHolidayListIn A structure used to add Update HolidayList items using a list of UpdateHolidayListModel models
Public structureCode exampleUpdateHolidayListOut Returns a list of UpdateResult structures representing the response from a call to the UpdateHolidayList(UpdateHolidayListIn) endpoint
Public structureCode exampleUpdateLaborLevelDetailIn The input model used to ad UpdateLaborLevelDetailModel
Public structureCode exampleUpdateLaborLevelDetailOut A model used to represent the results of a returned labor-level-detail output
Public structureCode exampleUpdatePayrollPayTypeIn The input model used to udpate an UpdatePayrollPayTypeModel
Public structureCode exampleUpdatePayrollPayTypeOut A structure that returns a result list of UpdatePayrollPayTypeModel
Public structureUpdateTimeOffRequestIn**SCHEMA** Create a new AddUserTimeOffRequestModel
Public structureUpdateTimeOffRequestOut**SCHEMA** A model used to represent the results of a returned labor-level-detail output
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserAccess**BETA** A structure that contains a users access or permissions meta data.
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserAssignedLaborLevelDetails A structure that represents the labor levels that are assigned to a given user.
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserAssignedLaborLevelDetailsChargeRate A structure that represents the labor levels details charge rate that are assigned to a given user.
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserAssignedLaborLevelDetailsPayRate A structure that represents the labor levels details pay rate that are assigned to a given user.
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserDetailIn**BETA** Updates the payload data for a list of UpdateUserDetailModel
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserDetailOut**BETA** Returns the result statues of add operation
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserLaborLevelIn A structure used to add a list of UpdateUserLaborLevelModel
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserLaborLevelOut A structure that returns a result list of UpdateUserLaborLevelResult
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserLaborLevelResult A structure that returns a result list of AddResult for both assigned and home labor level details
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserPayAdjustIn Update an existing UpdateUserPayAdjustModel
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserPayAdjustOut A model used to represent the results of a returned labor-level-detail output
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserScheduleDetailIn Updates a new UpdateUserScheduleDetailModel
Public structureUpdateUserScheduleDetailOut A model used to represent the results of a returned labor-level-detail output
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserScheduleIn Update an existing UpdateUserScheduleModel
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserScheduleOut Return the results for updating an existing UpdateUserScheduleModel
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserTimeApprovalIn A structure used to add a list of UpdateUserTimeApprovalModel
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserTimeApprovalOut A structure that returns a result list of AddUserLaborLevelResult
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserTimePunchIn A data structure representing the input sent to the web service to update between 1 and 50 records at a time.
Public structureCode exampleUpdateUserTimePunchOut A data structure representing the response returned from the API upon completing an Update request.
Public structureCode exampleUserAccess A structure that contains a users access or permissions meta data.
Public structureCode exampleUserAccruals A structure that contains a users time off or accruals meta data.
Public structureCode exampleUserAssignedLaborLevelDetails A structure that represents the labor levels that are assigned to a given user.
Public structureCode exampleUserAssignedLaborLevelDetailsChargeRateHistory A structure that represents the labor levels details charge rate that are assigned to a given user.
Public structureCode exampleUserAssignedLaborLevelDetailsPayRateHistory A structure that represents the labor levels details pay rate that are assigned to a given user.
Public structureCode exampleUserCustomField A structure that contains custom fields that are assigned to a user.
Public structureCode exampleUserHierarchyLaborLevelDetails A structurer that represents the labor levels that are assigned to a given user by labor level hierarchy.
Public structureCode exampleUserIPAccessList A structure that represents a users IP access search range
Public structureCode exampleUserIPAccessPolicyDetail A structure that represents an IP access policy detail
Public structureCode exampleUserPolicies A structure that contains all assigned to a users policy assignments.
Public structureCode exampleUserPolicyGroups A structure that contains the policy groups that an employee belongs to/in.
Public structureCode exampleUserProfile A structure that contains all the data of a users meta data profile.
Public structureCode exampleUserRates A structure that contains all the data assigned to a user pay rates meta data profile.
Public enumerationCustomFieldTypes Represents the custom field type enums that belong to custom fields
Public enumerationLaborLevelCutomFieldTypes Represents the custom field types for labor-levels
Public enumerationCode exampleRequestStatus An enumeration of the different statuses that can be returned indicating the overall status of the entire request.
Public enumerationCode exampleUpdateStatus An enumeration of the different statuses that can be returned for a given update request