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UpdateUserTimePunchIn Structure

A data structure representing the input sent to the web service to update between 1 and 50 records at a time.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AppOne.Services.V2.Contracts
Assembly: AppOne.Web.Service (in AppOne.Web.Service.dll) Version: 1.0.141
public struct UpdateUserTimePunchIn : IServiceIn

The UpdateUserTimePunchIn type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleAuthToken A Base64 encoded Token created using the CreateToken(CreateTokenIn) endpoint * Required Property
Public propertyCode exampleRecordsToUpdate A list of UpdateUserTimePunchObject objects representing records to be updated. Maximum of 50 at a time * Required Property
UpdateUserTimePunchIn Structure
    "AuthToken": "VXBkYXRlVXNlclRpbWVQdW5jaC1TYW1wbGUtSlNPTi1JTg==",
    "RecordsToUpdate": [
            "ID": 1,
            "OriginalPunch": {
                "TransactionDateTime": "\/Date(1689152400000)\/",
                "EmpIdentifier": "adm",
                "BadgeNumber": "",
                "TransactionType": 2
            "PunchUpdates": {
                "LaborLevel1": "1",
                "LaborLevel2": "5",
                "LaborLevel3": null,
                "LaborLevel4": null,
                "LaborLevel5": null,
                "LaborLevel6": null,
                "LaborLevel7": null,
                "LaborLevel8": null,
                "LaborLevel9": null,
                "LaborLevel10": null,
                "LaborLevel11": null,
                "LaborLevel12": null,
                "LaborLevel13": null,
                "LaborLevel14": null,
                "LaborLevel15": null,
                "TransactionType": 2,
                "TransactionDateTime": "\/Date(1689156000000)\/"
See Also