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GetUserTimeOffRequestModel Class

This class is the model for retrieving user time-off request data.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AppOne.Services.V2.Contracts
Assembly: AppOne.Web.Service (in AppOne.Web.Service.dll) Version: 1.0.141
public class GetUserTimeOffRequestModel

The GetUserTimeOffRequestModel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleDateTimeSubmitted The date-time when the time-off request was submitted
Public propertyCode exampleDetail Gets a list of GetUserTimeOffRequestDetailModel objects
Public propertyCode exampleDurationPerDaySecs The seconds per day for each day in the submission request
Public propertyCode exampleEmpIdentifier The Employee Number/Identifier of the current user time-off request
Public propertyCode exampleEmpNotes The employee notes for this time-off request
Public propertyCode exampleEndDateTime The end date-time of the current user time-off request
Public propertyCode exampleEndDateTimeSchema The end date-time of the current user time-off as a specified pattern
Public propertyCode exampleID The time-off request id of the current users request
Public propertyCode exampleIncludeWeekends Does this time-off request include weekends
Public propertyCode examplePayTypeCode The pay type code of the current user time-off request
Public propertyCode examplePayTypeID The pay type id of the current user time-off request
Public propertyCode examplePayTypeName The pay type name of the current user time-off request
Public propertyCode exampleStartDateTime The start date-time of the current user time-off request
Public propertyCode exampleStartDateTimeSchema The start date-time of the current user time-off as a specified pattern
Public propertyCode exampleStatusType The status type of the current user time-off request
This class is the model for retrieving user time-off request data. User time-off requests are assigned on a per user basis.

Note  Note
This object is read-only. Direct access to setting these values must be done in the time-web user interface or through and AddModel
See Also