Add |
public class AddPayrollPayTypeModel
The AddPayrollPayTypeModel type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AllowShiftDiff | Allow a shift diff for this pay type | |
ApplyToOvertime | Applies towards overtime by default | |
ApplyToTimeOff | Apply to Time Off Accruals | |
CanBeOvertime | The pay type can be overtime | |
Code | The code of the payroll pay type | |
CountsTowardsHolidayMin | Pay type counts towards holiday minimum minutes | |
DeductFromPayType | Enables deducts from the associated DecutFromPayTypeID | |
DeductFromPayTypeID | Enables the deduction from the associated pay type ID | |
DefaultPayLevelRateType | The default pay level rate type | |
EndDateTime | The date time in which the pay type will no longer be effective | |
IncludeInBlendedRate | Included in the blended rate | |
IsDeleted | Has the payroll pay type been flagged as deleted | |
IsDurationOnly | Enables the is duration only flag | |
IsFMLAType | Is this a family medial leave act (FMLA) type | |
IsLLRequired | Is a labor-level required for this pay type | |
IsOvertime | Is the paytype overtime | |
IsWorkType | Is this payroll pay type a work type | |
Name | The name of the payroll pay type | |
OverridesAbsense | Override an absense for the day | |
OvertimeFactor | The overtime factor to use | |
StartDateTime | The date time in which the pay type will start to be effective |