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PunchInformation Class

An object which represents the data necessary to find an existing punch in the system which will be updated.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AppOne.Services.V2.Contracts
Assembly: AppOne.Web.Service (in AppOne.Web.Service.dll) Version: 1.0.141
public class PunchInformation

The PunchInformation type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleBadgeNumber The Badge number of the User whose punch will be modified (if a value is sent for this then the EmpIdentifier should be left empty) * Required Property
Public propertyCode exampleEmpIdentifier The EmpIdentifier of the User whose punch will be modified (if a value is sent for this then the BadgeNumber should be left empty) * Required Property
Public propertyCode exampleTransactionDateTime The transaction DateTime of the transaction that will be modified. (should be sent as though the punch is in UTC timezone) * Required Property
Public propertyCode exampleTransactionType Gets or sets the TransactionType (PunchType) * Required Property
PunchInformation Object
"OriginalPunch": {
    "TransactionDateTime": "\/Date(1689152400000)\/",
    "EmpIdentifier": "adm",
    "BadgeNumber": "",
    "TransactionType": 2
See Also